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goobay Napájecí 12-24V autoadaptér na 2xUSB 2.1A s nízkým profilem
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Mikro nabíjecí adaptér na USB port s velmi úsporným designem pro použití v autě. Umožní napájet a nabíjet USB zařízení s maximálním proudovým odběrem do 2100mA.
- do autozapalovače 12/24V
- maximální proud 2100mA při použití jen jednoho portu nebo 1000mA při použití obou portů
- velmi nízký profil
- podporuje iPhone, iPod a Blackberry, Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, díky velkému proudu
- obsahuje elektronickou pojistku proti zkratu, přepětí a přehřátí (při vrácení do normálu opět začne fungovat)
vstupní napětí 12-24 V AC
výstupní napětí 5 V DC
max. proud/zátěž 2100 mA
délka 50 mm
průměr 32 mm
barva černá
váha 15 g
High Power small sized dual-USB Charger
adaptor 12V/24V - USB (2100mA) (1x2,1A, 2x 1A)
Now with 2.1A charging current:
supports Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab and others.
The Micro Charging Adaptor!
This special small-sized charging adaptor can fit
easily into the console of your car & safely plugged
into the car lighter socket. With the special design
on the opening bow, you can unplug the adaptor
It is perfect for charging all kinds of devices with
USB like mobile phones, MP3-players with an integrated
battery pack.
Devices like Blackberry, iPod and iPhones are also
supported by that Power-adaptor.
The USB car adapter is the smallest existing design
on the car accessories market. It is the result of high
electronic integration and new mechanical design
focusing aesthetic needs for today's automotive
Easy to place and remove via the integrated rotating
metallic handle, the delicate alliance of materials
induces a luxury feeling.
The USB car adapter slim form factor permits
a discrete integration inside dashboard or rear cigar
lighter sockets.
The USB car adapter can supply every kind of USB
compliant device up to 500mA.
A green LED indicates the active state.
Charge you Device with USB easily in your car.
This charger/power-supply is the best choice
to charge devices with an integrated battery
pack. It is possible to charge mobilephones,
MP3-players, PDA if they can be charged by
an USB port. Obviously you can charge also other
devices if they have a USB-port.
intelligent Protection Unit / electornical fuse
The Protection Unit switch off by any fault (Over-
voltage, Overheating or short circuit) and switch on
afterwards back to the normal working modus.
With that reversible protection Unit the Poweradapter
is near to be indestructible.
- USB in-car charging function by 12-24V
- DUAL USB Port (2x USB Port)
- debitable up to 1,2A (for iPad, Galaxy Tab etc.)
- Easy pull out bow
- reversible protection unit / electrical fuse
input voltage 12-24 V AC
output voltage 5 V DC
max. current 2100 mA
length 42 cm
laenge 42 cm
diameter 32 mm
length 50 mm
color black
weight 15 g
Poznámka výrobce:
Goobay® je registrovaná značka společnosti Wentronic GmbH. Krom Goobay pod Wentronic spadá ještě například Clicktronic a Fixpoint.
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