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The Kensington MicroSaver® DS Keyed Ultra-Thin Laptop Lock is designed for the ultimate defence of even the thinnest laptop. The nearly impenetrable disk style keyed locking mechanism along with an advanced cable design provides greater security. And with
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* A rotating head and pivoting cable allow you to easily connect to your laptop and position the lock
* Patented T-bar lock head
* 1500mm long and 4mm thick high-carbon steel cable
* Online key code registration and replacement service
* Total security, easy individual access
Give individual employees the power to protect their laptops. Personal locks let employees work on- or off-site and protect laptops no matter where they do business—in a conference room, home office or in the airport. With a master key, your IT staff retains universal access to unlock any piece of equipment for upgrades, relocation or replacement. Master keys also offer a quick and easy solution for misplaced or lost keys requiring new locks.
Open any lock in your physical security system, even if an employee has lost their individual key. Manage and maintain a limitless number of locks with a master key. Perform upgrades, relocate equipment or accommodate personnel changes with an easy, efficient master key solution. Maintain productivity, even in the event of lost or misplaced keys. A master key solution enables easy replacement of an entire physical security solution without interrupting work.
The MicroSaver® DS lock head features the patented T-bar locking mechanism. The T-bar provides a tight fit with the Kensington Security Slot. A rubber bumper ensures a snug fit between the lock and the security slot and protects your hardware. It also features an advanced rotating disc-locking mechanism that features a hardened steel body and a unique flat key with millions of possible key combinations. This form of lock is one of the most tamper-resistant available.
All Kensington locks are built to exacting engineering standards. This lock is rated as Safe Premium, a rating awarded to Kensington Security Locks that are tested by third party agencies under severe and critical test conditions and are the highest grade of laptop locks available.
We provide two keys with each standard lock. Each key is stamped with a unique code. Register your code online and we’ll be able to send you a replacement key.
Our business is protecting yours Kensington locks are made with high-carbon steel cables and tested under rigorous real-world conditions to resist lock-picking,
POZNÁMKA : Zákaznická řešení s Master či Single klíčem jsou vyráběna přímo "na míru" a proto je jejich minimální objednací zboží 25 kusů !!!
sada obsahuje :
25 ks zámků,
25 ks klíčů,
sada neobsahje :
master klíč ( K64605M ) nutné doobjednat.
Poznámka výrobce:
Kensington sídlí ve městě Burlingame v Kalifornii a má pověst vynálezce a předního celosvětového výrobce bezpečnostních zámků pro notebooky. Kensington je divizí společnosti ACCO Brands (NYSE: ACCO), jednoho z největších světových návrhářů, prodejců a výrobců značkových produktů pro firmy, akademickou sféru i spotřebitele, které jsou prodávány ve více než 100 zemích po celé zeměkouli.
Od dokovacích stanic přes kabelové zámky počítačů či myši a trackbally až po ergonomická řešení – navrhujeme, vylaďujeme a tvoříme oceňované produkty, kterým důvěřují profesionálové po celém světě.
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